Data Structures
Linked List

Linked List

Initialize the linked list

You can create an empty linked list or you can pass an array which will convert an array to an linked list.

import { LinkedList } from "quark-dsa";
const list = new LinkedList(); // returns an empty linked list.
const list = new LinkedList([17, 2, 96, 55, 40]); // returns a linked list with array elements inserted sequentially.

Supported methods

constructListFromArray(itemsList)Constructs a linked list from an arrayreturns the head of the linked list
reverse()Reverse the linked list.returns the head of the reversed linked list
length()Calculates the length of the linked list.returns the node count of the linked list
addFirst(value)Adds node to the first position of the linked list.returns the head of the linked list
addLast(value)Adds node to the last position of the linked list.returns the head of the linked list
add(value, index)Adds node to the given index of the linked list. If index is not given, it will insert node at last.returns the head of the linked list
remove(index)Removes the node at given index of the linked list. If index is not given, it will remove node at first.returns the head of the linked list
getValue(index)Returns the value of the node at the given index.returns value of the node
update(value, index)Updates the value of the node at the given index.returns the head of the linked list
print()Returns the value of the node separated by ->returns the linked list in string format
getMiddleNode()Returns the middle node of the linked list.returns the middle node
getMiddleValue()Returns the value of the middle node of the linked list.returns the value of the middle node
rotateRight(position)Rotates the linked list to right by position times. If position is negative, it will rotate the linked list towards left.returns the head of the rotated list
rotateLeft(position)Rotates the linked list to left by position times. If position is negative, it will rotate the linked list towards right.returns the head of the rotated list
concat(list)Concatenates the second linked list into first one and return the first linked list.returns the head of the first linked list


import { LinkedList } from "quark-dsa";
const list = new LinkedList([17, 2, 96, 55, 40]); // returns a linked list with array elements inserted sequentially.
list.print(); // returns the value in the console log "17 -> 2 -> 96 -> 55 -> 40".
list.add(3); // inserts 3 at last of the linked list.
list.update(45, 3); // updates node of index 3 with value 45.
list.remove(5); // removes node at index 5;
list.reverse(); // reverse the list.
list.getMiddleValue(); // returns the middle value of the list, 96.
list.rotateRight(4); // rotates the list to 4 positions towards right.
list.rotateLeft(5); // rotates the list to 5 positions towards left.
const list2 = new LinkedList([89, 21, 63, 45]); // returns a linked list with array elements inserted sequentially.
list.concat(list2); // returns list with concatenated values of list2.