Data Structures


Initialize the queue

You can create a queue with the given size. Size is optional argument with the default value 65535.

import { Queue } from "quark-dsa";
const queue = new Queue(200); // Creates queue with size 200.

Supported methods

enqueue(item)Inserts an item at the rear of the queue.void
dequeue()Removes an item from the front of the queue and returns it.dequeued item
getFront()Returns the front item of the queue.front item of the queue
getRear()Returns the rear item of the queue.rear item of the queue
isEmpty()Checks if the queue is emptytrue if queue is empty otherwise false
isFull()Checks if the queue is full. It will check if length of the queue is equal to its size.true if queue is full otherwise false
length()Gets the length of the queue. It is difference between rear and front of the queue.length of the queue
search(item)Returns the 0-based position of the item in the queue.returns the position of the item in the queue. If item is absent, it will return -1


import { Queue } from "quark-dsa";
const queue = new Queue(); // new queue is created.
queue.enqueue(3); // inserts 3 to the rear of the queue.
queue.enqueue(8); // inserts 8 to the rear of the queue.
queue.length(); // returns 2;; // returns 1;; // returns -1;
queue.dequeue(); // removes the front item of the queue and then returns it.
queue.getFront(); // returns the front item of the queue, 8.
queue.enqueue(10); // inserts 10 to the rear of the queue.
queue.getRear(); // returns the rear item of the queue, 10.
queue.dequeue(); // removes the front item of the queue and then returns it.
queue.dequeue(); // removes the front item of the queue and then returns it.
queue.length(); // returns 0;
queue.isEmpty(); // returns true as queue is empty now.